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A Thank You and A Few Questions

Hi muszek,

Thank you very much for such a great Blood Pressure Chart. Nice and simple, just what I was looking for.

Now a few questions:

1) I registered using an old screen name but I don't want to use it for this site. Is there any way I can change that so it's just my real name? Maybe a way to close an account and then create a new one?

2) I would like to create an account for my wife too, but during registration it told me my email address has already been used. I know I can create an account for her using a forwarding email account, but I would like for any emails from us going to the doctor to have the same return address.
Is there any way you can set it up so both my wife and I can use the same email address?

Thanks again for such a great chart,


Tell me what you'd like your new username to be and I'll change it manually.

Unfortunately, two accounts cannot share the same e-mail address. It's a pretty standard practice and I doubt it will ever change.
I guess you could simply e-mail an URL to both of your profiles in one message:

hi Doc,
here's my BP: http://bp-chart.com/en/table/spider362
here's my wife's BP: your wife's address

If you would change my user name to "William"... Thanks.

I understand what you're saying about the single email address.

I'll just use one of my forwarding addresses for her then.




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